Sergio UP

Mi foto
Hi my name is sergio unda i was born in february 14 1993 valetin's day I born in mexico city i lived there 15 years then i moved to other city to " tampico" and actually im living in san luis potosi i have to many friends i enjoy living here its a small city but i like it and i want to continue here for at least 1 or 2 years then ..... well just the time will decide

jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010

30 Seconds to mars -- THIS IS WAR--

This is the newest album of one of my favorites group
i like all  them songs because i think all of them songs have a message a good message  well i feel that i can identify myself with their songs.
this album has  12 songs i was create in the 2009
they have 3 albums
1. 30 seconds to mars
2. A Beautiful Lie

the 3 albums have great songs...  
in this last album are the songs: 
02. Alibi
04. Escape
06. 100 Suns
07. Hurricane
12. Equinox

Then if you can i recomend you to hear them , this are very good  songs  and also  listen  the fisrt an second album  another song that  is   awsome  is  " The kill" listen it  ...

miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2010

Blog post

Well.. I see creativity like the hability to think more and more and to create new things also i think taht is  another  way to see the things,  im not sure if  the crativity can measure but what i know its than some people have more crativity than other ones,  and  for me  this  is very important because  is another way to think to act and do the things  because if creativity doesnt exist  or if the people doesn't have crativity all the world would be bored and always the same the same the same .__.  so for me is  very important that creativity exist and  we dont look  for  it  it's  something that everyone must have it 
for examples  artist  composers  musicians  that kind of people have a lot of creativity because all the things that they  do are amazing  everybody have creativity only that someones more than another 
i consider my self creativity because  i used to write a lot and always  im trying to do better things  songs  letters drawings  ...