Sergio UP

Mi foto
Hi my name is sergio unda i was born in february 14 1993 valetin's day I born in mexico city i lived there 15 years then i moved to other city to " tampico" and actually im living in san luis potosi i have to many friends i enjoy living here its a small city but i like it and i want to continue here for at least 1 or 2 years then ..... well just the time will decide

miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010

How I spend my money

The way I spend my money ...  well  I spend it in a lot of ways but right now I try to control the way I spend, because last two years I used to expend a lot in things that I really dont need it, well  but  the problem is that this wasn't my money its my parent's money so the one who bought me all that things was my father. like  most of us because must of us dont work and dont make money well  I dont make money.
Well but i usually use to spend my money buying food, chips, coca-cola when i am in the school and i  when i have money. another way to spend it is when I go out with my mom and then I want see some clothes or shoes that kind of things also like 1 or 2 years ago i always bought videogames or t-shirts of soccer teams, now I prefer to spend it with friends or another kind of clothes but the real things that i think we have to spend it in real important things like food or books or to pay the school,  well but I hope that in the future I can make a lot of money and then can buy a lot of clothes and maybe a good car!!!

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